
东京 — — 在一次新闻发布会在这里 Friday(Jan.27),东芝公司正式宣布,它在市场上卖出一大块 — — 小于 20%— — 其内存芯片业务。

行政长官聪纲川解释为什么出售势在必行。”为了促进在内存芯片业务的稳步增长 — — 这是我们的重点 — — 我们必须进行大规模的资本投资,”他说。”能做到,我们必须完成销售在 3 月的财政年度年底以便我们可以抵消我们核业务日益增加的亏损”。

去年 11 月,东芝公司宣布,计划扩大其 3D 闪存生产容量通过建立新的设施在四日市。纲川证实,”我们将着手建立新的晶圆厂,按计划”。

东芝确认内存芯片娘子军东芝长官聪纲川在记者会上星期五 (照片︰ 智明商事)

Toshiba faces massive writedowns — projected to be several billion dollars — from its nuclear business. Tsunakawa said, “We see our energy-related business as equal in importance to our memory chip business. We won’t change that view.” However, he added, “As for the nuclear division, we will review its role and make it independent from Toshiba’s energy-related business. The [nuclear] division will now fall under direct CEO supervision to strengthen its governance.”

Businesses Toshiba intends to spin off include flash memory, as well as a solid state device division that previously belonged to Toshiba’s Storage & Electronic Devices Solutions Company. Toshiba’s new spin-off, however, won’t include products such as hard disk drives, discretes or image sensors. In the fiscal year ending in March 2016, the planned spin-off business reported sales of 845 billion yen ($7.3 billion), while operating income was 110 billion yen ($955 million).

Toshiba will hold an extraordinary general meeting in late March this year, seeking to complete the spin off on March 31. Toshiba has not decided either on the name of the new company or its management structure. Various potential investors the company is talking to now include private equity firms. Tsunakawa, however, reiterated, “Our principle is that Toshiba will sell less than 20 percent of the spin off.”

— — 智明商事是在 EE 时代日本的记者。
