英特尔收购 Movidius︰ 汽车视觉在玩吗?

麦迪逊,威斯康星州 — — 英特尔公司推出了星期二早上公司的计划获得 Movidius 的技术,基于加州圣马特奥的启动制定了超低功耗计算机视觉处理器。


仅仅四个月前,EE 时代发表了博客题为”将英特尔无人机芯片飞吗?”在这个博客里,指的英特尔的深度传感技术称为 RealSense,雷米埃尔-Ouazzane,Movidius 首席执行官叫技术”世界一流、 质量深度的解决方案。在那个时候,El Ouazzane 也告诉我们:”几乎所有的芯片公司,目前在无人机市场 — — 英特尔、 Nvidia、 高通 Movidius 包括 — — 正在追求同一目标︰ 无人机。”


计算机视觉,深度学习 AI
更重要的是,处理器巨头是意图上带头”提供计算机视觉和深度学习解决方案 — — 从设备到云,”乔希 · 瓦尔登湖,英特尔公司高级副总裁负责新技术组,把它放在他的博客。

英特尔收购 Movidius︰ 汽车视觉在玩吗?英特尔副总裁兼新技术组乔希瓦尔登湖 》 与雷米 El Ouazzane Movidius 首席执行官

Indeed, Intel has recently devoured a number of startups whose technologies are focused on deep learning, computer vision and artificial intelligence.

They include: RealSense (depth-sensing technology), Nervana Systems (a specialized chip designed specifically for deep learning AI applications), Saffron (a leading cognitive computing platform provider). Earlier this year, Intel also acquired Ascending Technologies, a German drone company with sense-and-avoid algorithms.

Movidius, founded in 2006, is the latest on a list of recently acquired tech companies that will report to senior vice president Walden’s New Technologies Group.

Movidius’ VPU (Vision Processing Unit) platform has earned a solid reputation, allowing the startup to form partnerships with established companies ranging from Google to DJI, FLIR and Lenovo. Movidius’ mission thus far has been in “giving sight to smart devices including drones, security cameras, AR/VR headsets and more,” explained El-Ouazzane.

New processing paradigms
Kevin Krewell, principal analyst at TIRIAS Research, observed, looking at the Movidius and Nervana acquisitions, “It implies Intel is looking for new processing paradigms beyond the CPU and traditional GPUs that can accelerate next generation computing workloads.”
