Intersil 交易︰ 瑞萨科技的生存出价

慕尼黑 — — 瑞萨电子股份有限公司签署了最终协议,Intersil 公司获得约 $ 32 亿现金。

Intersil 交易︰ 瑞萨科技的生存出价瑞萨首席执行官

In an exclusive telephone interview with EE Times, Bunsei Kure, Renesas CEO, and Intersil CEO Necip Sayiner stressed that the merger is aimed at the combined company’s top-line business growth. Unlike other M&As, this isn’t designed to cut the operational expenses of the two companies, they said.

Today, Renesas has a workforce of about 20,000. Intersil has 1,000 employees. Asked about potential layoffs after the merger, Kure said, “It won’t be zero but it will be a very modest amount.”

Intersil 交易︰ 瑞萨科技的生存出价Intersil 首席执行官

Sayiner will stay with the new company in a senior management position, and will run a Renesas business unit. His responsibilities will go beyond looking after Intersil’s business, said Kure, but their scope has not been determined.

Intersil $ 32 亿收购标志着日本芯片巨头第一次尝试并致力于扩大无机。”为了生存在竞争激烈的全球半导体市场在未来 5 至 10 年,我们不能只依赖有机增长,”Kure 强调。

描述竞争对手是移动速度快,不给瑞萨多时间赶上来,Kure 解释说,他看到并购的必要条件””我们买时间。

Intersil 交易︰ 瑞萨科技的生存出价(来源︰ 瑞萨)

Kure also said the Intersil acquisition won’t be the last big M&A for Renesas. “As we improve our financial health, we will discuss the matter with Necip and decide what other pieces we need [to buy],” Kure told EE Times.

Notably, however, the Renesas management team has a poor record in M&A execution. Originally founded by three Japanese electronics companies’ chip divisions, Renesas has been faulted for dithering too long to integrate its acquisitions.

When it comes to merging with a foreign entity, Renesas’ only experience in the past was with Nokia’s modem team. That merger became Renesas Mobile, but it eventually had to fold. At a time when Apple and Samsung, both with internally developed app processors, have been dominant forces in the global smartphone market, Renesas Mobile couldn’t find a design socket.

Asked how confident Renesas is about integrating Intersil, Kure noted that blending businesses after a merger is “the expertise I hope to bring to the table.”

Although he has no semiconductor expertise, Kure claimed his extensive M&A experience with foreign entities while at General Electric, Nidec (a leading Japanese manufacturer of electric motors) and the Industrial Bank of Japan. 

瑞萨和 Intersil 强调说,这两家公司在他们的产品组合和地域市场很少重叠。

“地区我们产品重叠是如此之小,我想要说几乎没有人,”说 Kure。

瑞萨希望与 Intersil 的电源管理和精确模拟能力,结合单片机和 SoC 产品,合并后的公司可以提供更完整的解决方案,在不同的市场,从汽车到工业和物联网的嵌入式系统。

瑞萨卖每年的 3 亿 MCU 单位,还有”大的机会,在他们身边,我们电源管理功能中添加”解释萨耶内尔。”我们看到巨大的、 立即的协同作用,”同意 Kure。

第一,”交叉销售”的对方的产品将”快来,”说 Kure。在两到三年,他还设想迅速推动销售家用电器和工业机器人等产品类别。

瑞萨 Mcu 结合 Intersil 的电源管理/混合信号集成电路都是适用于一切从物联网到行业 4.0 Kure 补充说。在电池驱动的便携式设备和传感器产品,”我们找到 Intersil 的 PMIC 非常强大和有效的”他补充说。
