
麦迪逊,威斯康星州 — — 通过简单的声音或噪音,你总是对的监听设备,如果没有即使按下一个按钮被激活?更好的是,如果在设备内部麦克风开关但功耗几乎为零?像这声”事件检测”设备 — — 跨越不几个月的电池寿命,但年 — — 可以打开无数新的应用程序都为消费类电子产品和主机行业。

马特 · 克劳利首席执行官 Vesper 解释说,使得这种情况下可能是”使用声音能量,系统从全掉电模式唤醒声学传感器”。

零功率听模式传感器首次亮相(来源 ︰ Vesper)

Vesper, a Boston-based startup focused on developing piezoelectric-based MEMS microphones, unveiled on Tuesday (June 22) what the company calls “the first commercially available quiescent-sensing MEMS device.”

Crowley said Vesper’s newest piezoelectric MEMS microphone — VM1010 — draws only “3 µA of current while in listening mode.”

Currently, receivers and transmitters with zero quiescent power are regarded by the MEMS community as the stuff of university research projects and absentminded professors. Think “flubber.” As recently as last fall, at the last MEMS Executive Congress, Alissa M. Fitzgerald, a founder of MEMS consultancy A.M. Fitzgerald & Associates, said that “zero quiescent power devices” still require substantial research to prove feasibility. They are still, she said, at least five years from the market.


克劳利说 ︰ 这个秘密是压电技术。”我认为别人不一定看的”。

克劳利解释说,压电性质是积累材料,如水晶般应用机械应力时的电荷。”只是通过弯曲,它生成它自己的能量。它生成的能源量取决于多少你折弯它,他说。”当然 [晚祷的淡静-遥感 MEMS] 可以检测到足够的能量来唤醒系统,启动一个麦克风.”

相比之下,”MEMS 电容式麦克风需要操作 (置于固定的电荷麦克风膜,可以测量声音压力所造成的偏差),电荷泵”解释马尔布,负责 MEMS 和传感器在 IHS 技术的高级技术分析师。”这意味着永远是耗电大户。”

